The analytic Langlands correspondence: conjectured by Teschner and developed by Etingof-Frenkel-Kazhdan, this correspondence shifts the focus from sheaves in the geometric Langlands correspondence to functions which are eigenfunctions of Hecke operators. This calls for an exploration of rather explicit nature. My projects with Teschner involve revisiting and making explicit certain aspects of two early approaches to the geometric Langlands correspondence: the first one by Drinfeld using Radon transform and the second by Beilinson-Drinfeld using conformal field theories techniques.
Moduli of Higgs bundles, flat/projective connections: these moduli display a rich variety of geometric structures. Wobbly bundles, conformal limits, Białynicki-Birula stratification and deformation of symplectic structures are the usual ingredients I work with. Recently, I enjoy thinking about giving a concrete description of branes in the moduli of Higgs bundles and their Fourier-Mukai transforms.
Other research interests include:
- The relation between Donagi-Pantev-Simpson's approach to geometric Langlands, which uses mirror symmetry and non-abelian Hodge theories, to analytic Langlands correspondence and Drinfeld's approach;
- Bridgeland's spaces of stability conditions and his complexification of moduli of Higgs bundles;
- the interaction between random geometry (e.g. Schramm-Loewner evolution), real enumerative geometry and conformal field theories;
- a geometric understanding of Verlinde formula.